Thursday, September 4, 2014

First Week!

Oh my goodness what a crazy and fabulous week back at school! All last week was getting everything ready for my little ones and at our school it's all about getting things ready to label and then going all out on the Friday before school starts to label everything in time for the kids to come on Tuesday. Luckily I have an amazing assistant who helped me with everything and I probably would not have gotten everything done without her.
So we got everything set up; I got everything set up and ready about 5 minutes before families came for our meet and greet so I wasn't able to get pictures. But start the 2nd day I was able to get some pictures.
I have 5 tables all labeled with tub and signs from Brown Bear, Brown Bear that I got from Under The Alphabet Tree.  (for Free!)

 I replaced my original dismissal charts with this super cute, and more compact, dismissal chart from Simply Kinder. It's much easier to use right by the door and will be much easier to use each year. I have a lot of cement walls in my room so it's very hard to attach anything to them for long term and especially things that have pieces that get moved daily. So I LOVE this.
Here is just a wider shot of my room. I LOVE Dr. Seuss so it is a theme throughout. This morning their morning work was our First Day poem. Our actual first day was so short that we weren't able to do a lot of things that I really wanted to get to, so I just moved it to "our first week". The chair pockets are amazing. I have been using them for about 5 years now and will have to buy my own if I ever move schools. They keep things organized and the kids don't make as big of a mess in them as they would with a desk. I do have double desks and I just turned them around so the openings face each other.

My plans for this week completely changed and I realized that instead of planning certain things at certain times, I am just going to plan activities to do each day. Tomorrow we are going to be starting our social skills program We Have Skills and going over how Class Dojo works. I'm excited to start these programs and continue to build our classroom community. Next week we're starting our Kinder Readiness Assessment so we'll be working on colors and sorting numbers and letters. We can't start much curriculum because we want to see what students know when they come into Kinder.

And this will be me tomorrow:

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