I've posted a lot about the things I have been doing in my classroom. One thing I haven't posted about is the Adopt A Classroom.org website that I've started using and have already been blessed by having a few people adopt my classroom and donate some money. I've been able to buy new headphones, glue sticks (a huge must have in any Kindergarten classroom), and now for the new year some new games and building materials that I'm really looking forward to doing some STEM things with. Being a teacher, I am constantly spending money on my classroom; this year I feel like I have been doing it more so because I'm trying to save money in the long run with copies and other things by laminating a lot more so students can re-use papers over and over. So far this has been going pretty well.

One thing that I have noticed by doing this, is so many of my students have improved their skills quicker than in years past because they aren't just doing it once and then being done. They go over and over the pages a few days a week. Many of the things my class seem to love so much that they'll choose to do the pages during free choice time.

I have one student who has been struggling with their fine motor skills ever since school started. Cutting and writing are very difficult, but bring in the whiteboard and laminated pages, and he isn't getting nearly as frustrated because it is much easier to erase if he makes a mistake and his favorite color is black :) Since the start of the year, I have seen a lot of improvement in his fine motor, especially with his name; he's not writing it as big as usual but is now starting to write it to fit on the "name" line. So I really think that having these expo markers and even the dry erase crayons have been a huge hit with my class and especially with those that tend to need a little more help with their writing because starting over isn't as big of a deal.
I wouldn't have been able to do a lot of the things I'm doing now this year without the support of donors helping out my classroom. I'm very blessed and fortunate to have any and all help. I appreciate it and I know my kids do as well.
Adopt A Classroom Profile
Thanks for all of your work. I know you make a difference in the lives of your students!