I'm such a slacker when it comes to my teacher blog, sorry to any of those that have checked in and not seen anything new. But, I've been re-inspired by many other teacher blogs that I've found, and love to see what they are up to in their room. Mrs. Deedee Wills has been doing something called Peek at my Week and sharing her visual lesson plans. I have decided to try my hand at making visual plans. Here's what I've come up with for the first two weeks of school (which starts next week!)
Week 2 - First full week with kids
I just had to take picture of them so there are no hyperlinks to connect to the things that I use. I have a Seuss theme in my room, so the background is from Mrs. Magee in her Classroom Forms and Substitute Information, which has been so helpful. Many of the things I use I purchased from Deedee Wills, Elizabeth Hall (Kickin' it in Kindergarten), Karen Jones, and Denna Jump. These ladies are amazing and have come up with really cute and fun stuff.
My There Was an Old Lady books unit is from Having Fun in Kinder and she has made great math and literacy packets for all of the old lady books. My kids just love each of them.
Another packet I use a lot of are Stef Swanson's Daily Math and Literacy. These have been such a life saver. Having just half-day kinder, it gets difficult to fit everything in that you want to and need to, so combining math and reading has really been great, plus it's Common Core!
In Oregon, where I teach, we now have to do a Kindergarten Readiness Assessment right off the bat, to see what kids know coming into Kinder. So we can't do a lot of teaching math and reading the first few weeks. We squeeze it in though with colors and name games. Those are also on my plans. Below is a link to Mrs. Wills' Kindergarten.
Time to get ready for the first staff day back!