Starting this week (hopefully) we are going to do There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed a Bat, and then for a little bit of Science we'll talk about bats. I love doing this little craft, it's a great following direction activity, and a nice way to start with writing.
For today we did a little Social Studies and talked about Christopher Columbus. I found some great FREE activities that were a little challenging but still good practice for math. We used Google Earth to show the kids where Spain was in comparison to North America. We weren't able to get to the Reader for Little Learners, but that is on their desk for tomorrow to color and then read as a group.
I just have to look through my schedule to make sure I can get everything in that I want to in the very little amount of time we have. So looking forward to next year when we will have full day Kinder.
Tomorrow we are going to work on Elizabeth Hall's Rhyming Dust Bunnies craft, which I'm really looking forward to and I think the kids will like it. I'll try to post about how the project goes.